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Winning the 4th Quarter: Launch "Your Best Retirement"

Starting where you are to maximize your health, wealth and legacy

Chuck Ledford (Coach Ledford) and Curt Ghormley discuss the launch of Your Best Retirement.

Curt: Why do you want to Do YBR?

Coach: I want to do this for 3 reasons but first a little History…. The idea of YBR came to me as I was being pulled from a 4-car and semi-truck pile up on the Kansas Turnpike….

A truck, a deer and an interstate highway

You see, last November I was on the highway traveling to my work site when a semi- truck crashed into me while he was trying to avoid a wreck in his lane. In front of him was a truck and passenger van that had hit a deer and he was trying to avoid adding to the collision. He didn’t see me and the result was I was pinned between his trailer (on my right) and the concrete barrier that separated the traffic on my left.

The highway patrol said they had never seen anybody walk away from a disaster like that! But there I was, albeit had to be extracted through the back window. God had chosen to spare me that day. I can’t say the deer had the same good fortune.

Some lessons are pretty clear

As I was in the ambulance getting checked over for good measure I thought, Thank You Lord! Now I have the chance to go make some more Money! (said NO ONE Ever)

What I DID think after Thank You Lord was… Now that you see how quickly your life can end, what do you want to do in the borrowed time you today have been given? The answer came to me immediately.

Three Reasons Why I Am Launching YBR

1. What I want is to optimize the quality of life to the degree I can for the people I love as well as the people that are brought through my life in the time I have left.

2. Having been given this “extra gift of time” I want to use my “gift” of coaching to serve other people who are nearing or are in retirement by sharing ways they can optimize these same things with a focus on

  • our health,

  • our wealth and

  • living our legacy.

To get the “maximum impact” it seemed was to use the world wide web and internet to reach all my friends with what I learn from well researched, or what academics call evidence-based practices, that lead to YBR.

3. The final and most important reason for me is I want the to hear those words spoken in Matthew where the Lord says “Well Done Good and Faithful Servant! You have been faithful in a few things, I will make you captain over many things. Please enter the happiness of your Lord.”

Are you hustling annuities? Or stocks? (“No!”)

Curt: Do you sell or recommend financial products?

Coach: Sure: My recommendation is, “Don’t be like me!”

Seriously, no, we do not sell or recommend financial products. We want to help people understand how to use their health, wealth and legacy to maximize their time with friends and family.

What’s In It For Me?

Coach: Now I have a question for you, Curt. Why do you think someone would want to join the YBR family? What can they expect from it?

Curt: I am sensitive to winning the fourth quarter of life. In the Old Testament, most of those guys who started life well and then finished badly, turned bad in the last quarter of their lives. It’s a sobering thought.

I want to be the guy who finishes well. I don’t think I am alone in that. To finish well, we need others around us.

YBR offers:

  • a community of like-minded individuals

  • who seek to maximize their relevance

  • in the time granted to them by God.

We are all in this together, attempting to balance health with wealth while also remaining effective contributors to family and community. YBR is a neighborhood where you can come alongside others to share ideas and visions.

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Your Best Retirement
Manage your health, wealth and legacy in a way that serves others and honors God. Your Best Retirement is a community of like-minded individuals who seek to maximize their relevance in the time granted to them.